Recurring problem in root filesystem

Chris Robertson chris at mcc.oz
Tue Sep 11 17:38:49 AEST 1990

On some SysV/386's (e.g., Bell Tech 3.2), the system habitually
came up with minor problems in root, even after a clean shutdown.
I came to the conclusion that the system was simply lying when
it said root had been re-mounted after an fsck!  Also, the system
could occasionally get the free space in root so confused that no
amount of taking-it-down-to-single-user-doing-fsck-and-rebooting
worked;  fsck passed with flying colours in single-user mode, then
the no free space problem returned on going mutli-user (so definitely
the root re-mount was not working).  The only fix was to take it
to single user, fsck, then quickly power-fail.  *Then* things came
up clean!  Made me shudder each time I did it, though :-)
"Down in the dumps?  I TOLD you you'd     |    Chris Robertson
 need two sets..."                        |  chris at mcc.oz

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