Wanted: tips from Ingres+{Fortran|C} programmers

Dick O'Connor djo7613 at hardy.u.washington.edu
Wed Sep 19 16:52:08 AEST 1990

We're just getting started on our first Ingres-under-Ultrix database
project, and are running into some brick walls using embedded SQL
commands from a Fortran program.  If there are any Ingres language 
programmers out there who wouldn't mind helping us around (through??) 
these brick walls, we would really appreciate it!

"Moby" Dick O'Connor                         djo7613 at u.washington.edu 
Washington Department of Fisheries           *I brake for salmonids* 
"Moby" Dick O'Connor                         djo7613 at u.washington.edu 
Washington Department of Fisheries           *I brake for salmonids* 

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