Setting awk variables via a program
Larry Wall
lwall at jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV
Wed Feb 20 08:27:55 AEST 1991
In article <2391 at> brad at SSD.CSD.HARRIS.COM (Brad Appleton) writes:
: I have a program (much more sophisticated than getopt) that will parse
: command line arguments for sh, ksh, csh, tcsh, and bash.
: Now I would like to do a similar thing for awk-scripts. For the shell(s),
: parseargs outputs variable settings which must then be evaluated using
: `.' (or `source' or possibly `eval'). Should it do the same type of thing
: for awk? Can awk do that?
Not very easily. awk doesn't have eval. Your best bet would be to have
your first awk script write a second awk script that does the actual work.
: Oh yeah - since PERL is the next logical target, Id appreciate comments on
: how to do this for PERL as well!
: And before you go off saying awk/perl are sophisticated enough to do this by
: themselves without too much trouble, let me just add that my program is rather
: sophisticated as well and does a bit more than just parse the command-line in
: the usual fashion.
Perl is sophisticated enough to do this by itself without too much trouble.
However, if you're very attached to your parseargs program, a wooden
translation of your sh script would look like this:
# - Perl script to test out the parseargs command!
# usage: [-d directory] [-f file [file ...]] [-x] [-y]
# name [arguments ...]
($NAME = $0) =~ s#.*/##;
'?', ARGHIDDEN, argUsage, NULL, 'Help : print usage and exit',
'd', ARGOPT, argStr, dirname, 'DIRectory : working directory',
'x', ARGOPT, argBool, xflag, 'Xflag : turn on X-mode',
'y', ARGOPT, argUBool, yflag, 'Yflag : turn off Y-mode',
'f', ARGLIST, argStr, files, 'files : files to process',
' ', ARGREQ, argStr, name, 'name : name to use',
' ', ARGLIST, argStr, -- , 'argv : any remaining arguments',
$yflag='TRUE'; ## set defaults ($dir=".")
## parse command-line and save assignments in a temporary file ##
open(PIPE, "-|") ||
exec 'parseargs', '-s', 'sh', '-e', 'ARGUMENTS', '-u', '--', $NAME, @ARGV;
## evaluate results from parseargs, translating foo= and set to Perlese
while (<PIPE>) {
$_ .= <PIPE> while s/\\\n$//;
&eval if s/^(\w+=)/\$$1/;
&eval if s/^set (.*)/\@ARGV = split(' ',<<'EndOfArgs');\n$1\nEndOfArgs/;
$stuff .= $_;
sub eval { eval $stuff; $stuff = ''; }
close PIPE;
exit 2 if $?; ## non-zero status (usage given)
## echo the parsed arguments (use defaults if not defined)
$count = -1 unless defined $count;
$dirname = '.' unless defined $dirname;
print <<"EndOfText";
Name='$name', Count='$count'
XFlag='$xflag', YFlag='$yflag'
New Positional Parameters='@ARGV'
Or something like that. I can't test it without your program, since I don't
know what the output of parseargs looks like. In particular, I haven't
tried to handle any quoting on the set command that parseargs apparently
I'd still be inclined to write parseargs as a Perl subroutine. Of course,
I'm a wee bit biased...
Larry Wall
lwall at
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