HDB uucp woes..

Thaddeus P. Floryan thad at public.BTR.COM
Mon Feb 11 13:02:50 AEST 1991

In article <3950 at orbit.cts.com> dougm at pnet51.orb.mn.org (Doug Mcintyre) writes:
>        I've started to hook up another modem to my 3b1 running HDB, and all I
>get from it is that it `CAN'T ACCESS DEVICE`. I have the nutshell book, but
>this seems like it physically can't open that tty port or some other error
>like that? pcomm can open the port and call out through the modem, so I'm
>wondering why uucp can't? 

Didn't see any followups ... if you haven't received an answer yet, feel
welcome to repost to comp.sys.3b1 (where this question recurs often along with
its answer) or send email for abt. 5Kbytes of answer.

Thad Floryan [ thad at btr.com (OR) {decwrl, mips, fernwood}!btr!thad ]

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