
murrell at bossa.acs.unc.edu murrell at bossa.acs.unc.edu
Tue Feb 19 08:20:14 AEST 1991

I'm writing a document on Intermediate System Administration.  The document
should be somewhere between 50 and 65 pages in length.  My main problem is
determining what topics are of the most use.  The document will attempt
to cover BSD 4.3, System V and OSF.  I've included a rough outline.  I'd
appreciate any comments that you may have.  Rather that flood the network
you may address all comments to me and I will provide a summary for those
of you who are interested. Please address comments to 
murrell at uncvx1.acs.unc.edu  (internet) or
murrell at uncvx1              (bitnet)

------------------Rough Outline-------------------------------------------
Intro - General Outline of Functions of Sys Admin
Initial Hardware Installation
	Overview of console mode & diagnostics, error codes & diagnostics LED's
	Connect to Network
	Read hardware installation manual!
Types of Machines
	Diskfull (local system disk)
Installing the Machine w/ local system disk
	Genral overview of Types of Installation
		From Floppy Disk
		From Tape
		From CD-ROM
		From Network
	Boot-strapping system - How to boot a system - intro
	Partition of Disk(s)
		root usr swap user etc... chpt (8)
	Making the partitions
		mkfs(8), newfs(8), disktab(8)
	Installing the boot block
	Install root partitions
	Install usr partition
	Build Kernel - how to build the default kernel, how to adjust
	 paramters, such as maxusers, etc..., specify what drivers are loaded
	 in the kernel to minimize the size.                          
	Install additional subsets (give an example of subsets)
	Give examples of vendor specific software for system installation utilites
	Read software installation manuals!
	Boot from disk!
Installing a diskless machine
Booting a system
	Give a broad overview of what things are done in each startup file.
	mount local file systems mount(8)
	enable remote logins (/etc/nologn)
	start network
	add routes
	start nfs
	start yellow pages
	System V

Maintenance Tasks
	Rebuilding a kernel
	Adding a new user
	Terminal & X Windows
	Making device nodes (MAKENODE)
	NFS, nfsd, biod, mountd
	Backup & Restore
SYstem Admin Utilities
System Security Issues
Participation with othe networked groups
	common UID

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