C function execution time measurement under UNIX

Christophe Wolfhugel wolf at grasp2.univ-lyon1.fr
Sat Feb 2 04:59:48 AEST 1991

In his message, Toneluh [Andy] <yang at cs.umn.edu> said:
|I'm looking for a way to measure the execution time of a function (note: not a
|process) which is called in a C program executing under UNIX.  I have tried
|putting setitimer() before the function call & getitimer() after the call, but
|the returned value is zero.  If you have encountered this problem before,
|please mail me your method or any possibile solution you could think of.  If
|there's enough interest, I will post a summary.  Thanks in advance.

  Take a look at times(2)

  #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <sys/times.h>
  struct tms buffer,buffer2;		To get the amount of type elapsed in
  ...					the function, just differentiate the
  times(&buffer);			fields between buffer2 and buffer. The
  functionToMeasure();			unit is in HZth of seconds (defined I
  times(&buffer2);			don't remembet where).

Christophe Wolfhugel (on irc: loto)   |  Email: wolf at grasp1.univ-lyon1.fr
INSA Lyon - Departement Informatique  |  IRC'adm for node grasp1.univ-lyon1.fr
69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, France      |  Fax: (+33) 88 68 11 84

    Disclaimer: these are my own opinions, not my employer's.

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