How to restore terminal after curses program crashes?
Jean-Pierre Radley
jpr at
Tue Feb 19 14:52:09 AEST 1991
In article <DANJ1.91Feb16002433 at cbnewse.ATT.COM> Dan_Jacobson at ATT.COM writes:
>>>>>> On 16 Feb 91 03:23:19 GMT, jpr at (Jean-Pierre Radley) said:
>J-P> In article <DANJ1.91Feb13170109 at cbnewse.ATT.COM> Dan_Jacobson at ATT.COM writes:
>J-P> I do about the same thing, but with somewhat less effort.
>J-P> In .profile,
>J-P> STTY=`stty-g` export STTY
>J-P> In .login,
>J-P> setenv STTY `stty-g`
>J-P> Then, after a scrambled screen,
>J-P> $stty^J
>J-P> restores my prior settings.
>Yeah but, you omit any stty-ings you did before you captured them into
>an environment variable---unless you're happy with the differing
>defaults on different machines, e.g., "#"=erase. Plus, stty -g, and
>certainly stty-g, aren't portable. Plus I invoke $stty in the
>.profile too.
Well, I thought one might have cleverly inferred, without my explicitly so
stating, that before I set my STTY environment value in my .profile or
.login, that _first_ I do all the specific settings for erase, intr, &c.,
that I desire.
Jean-Pierre Radley NYC Public Unix jpr at CIS: 72160,1341
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