unix pocket guide needed

gateh%CONNCOLL.BITNET at cunyvm.cuny.edu gateh%CONNCOLL.BITNET at cunyvm.cuny.edu
Wed Jan 9 01:17:32 AEST 1991

> We have a new dec 5810 running ultrix 4. I am trying to learn unix and
> the book I bought is over 1200 pages long.  If anyone has a pocket guide,
> instant guide, instant manual, pocket manual, etc to intro unix I would
> very much appreciate receiving a copy.
> Ralph Lewis
> rlewis at beach.csulb.edu

I have something from DEC called the _Ultrix-32 System Manager Pocket
Reference Card_, from the "The Ultrix and Unix Systems Education Series"
(from DEC Educational Services).  It's a nice little fold up deal, although
I don't know if it's been updated for vers. 4 (I got mine at a sysadm course
from DEC).  You might check with your DEC rep and see what they can do.

Cheers!  - Gregg

Gregg TeHennepe       | Academic Systems Coord., Acad Comp  | Yes, but this
gateh at conncoll.bitnet | Connecticut College, New London, CT | one goes to 11...

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