How do you define macros in a .netrc file?

Paul Burry rpburry at
Tue Jan 8 14:41:59 AEST 1991

Thanks to all those who replied.

My initial post was missing one vital piece of information: the OS version.
It seems that while the manual page describes macros, and macros can indeed
be defined interactively, Ultrix 3.0's ftp client is broken and cannot handle
macro definitions in the .netrc file.

I ftped a new ftp client from uunet:networking/ftp.tar.Z, compiled it, fixed
the one typo where a procedure named herror was invoked (presumably they 
meant perror), and I am once again a happy camper.

Thanks again,
Paul Burry			
Voice: (613)-991-7325		Internet: rpburry at
Fax:   (613)-991-7323		UUCP:	  ..!{uunet,cunews}!!rpburry

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