Seeking Unix newsreader similar ANU-news/VTX

J R Evans ngse18 at
Wed Jun 19 22:34:46 AEST 1991

We are seeking a Unix news reader which provides a high level of support
and feedback to new/occasional users, after the fashion of the ANU-NEWS
or VTX user interfaces.  It will be used primarily for access to low-volume
high-importance newsgroups within our organisation, but may also be used for
access to Usenet groups at sites where these are available.

We have already examined rn, nn and the unsw/c-news readnews; none of these
provide the level of hand-holding to the non-technical reader that we are
looking for.  Many of the users will be using VTnnn terminals, so X
or PC based newsreaders do not offer a solution.

All suggestions gratefully received.

Russ Evans                   Ed Marchewicz
British Geological Survey    NERC Computer Services
Edinburgh UK                 Keyworth, Nottingham, UK
e_gs18 at          k_ejm at

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