Help: syntax error in shell script

Ralf Ohlhausen ohl at kivax.UUCP
Thu Jun 13 18:17:49 AEST 1991

cdohert at writes:

 >The script is as follows
 >for network in 1 2 3 5 10 20 30
 >     `expulse` $network 0
 >     if test -f pulse.${network}.net
 >     then `cascor1.3` <<!
 >         pulse.${network}.net
 >         1000
 >         1000
 >         y
 >         y
 >         pulse.${network}.wts
 >         !
   <------ ^   
try again with your EOF "!" in the first column

 >     > pulse.${network}.output
 >     fi

 >prompt>sh script
 > results in the error:
 >line 22 `end of file' unexpected.

Hopefully not any more ... B-)

Ralf Ohlhausen            * e-mail: ohl at kivax.uucp          * In all probability
Digital Kienzle Computer- * Europe:..!mcsun!unido!kivax!ohl * this is once again
systeme   Abt. 015.4      * USA:   ..!uunet!unido!kivax!ohl * only my opinion !
D-7730 VS-Villingen  FRG  * voice: +49 7721 867181          *

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