sort first two fields in numeric order

Dave Turner dmturne at PacBell.COM
Thu Jun 20 08:36:50 AEST 1991

In article <felps.677332177 at> felps at (Robert Felps) writes:
.In <1991Jun18.222520.7816 at> mark at (Mark Lawrence) writes:
.>I've got a file with tab separated columns of stuff that I
.>expand to pretty tabstops and sort.  I want to sort the file 
.>primarily on the first column and then on the second, both
.>numerically.  No problem, right?
.>expand -5 foo | sort +0n -1n 
.>should treat both the first and second columns as numerics
.>and sort them in that order.  It don't.  I get:

Don't expand the tabstops to spaces before you sort.

On SVR[23] the following works.

	sort -n -t"	" +0 -1 +1 -2 foo

Note that there is a real tabcharacter between the ""s in the -t option. 
The ""s are needed to tell sh that the TAB is not whitespace on the command line
and that it should be passed to sort as an argument.

Dave Turner	415/823-2001	{att,bellcore,sun,ames,decwrl}!pacbell!dmturne

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