WYSE WY60 emulator wanted

Tillmann A. Basien basien at pemcom.pem-stuttgart.de
Wed Jun 5 15:51:49 AEST 1991

d0mund01 at ulkyvx.bitnet writes:

>Does anyone know of a good package that will emulate the WY60 terminal?
What this guy need, is the terminalemulator ICE.TEN.PLUS from the

>Are there other terminals I should consider emulating if I want to preserve
>the ability to run VP/ix on these terminals?
ICE.TEN.PLUS works well with VP/IX (and SCO MS WORD), because it has the
pscan feature.

>The emulation software should be simple and need not have any fancy features
>beyond good emulation.  Such features would probably only confuse many of the
>system's users.
The product is really simple and very cheap, because you will bay a general
lizenz for one unix host, and not for every pc connected to the host.

PEM, my company is one of the distributers.

					             basien at PEM-Stuttgart.de
Dipl.-Ing. Tillmann A. Basien           PEM Programmentwicklungsgesellschaft
Vaihinger Str.49, PostBox 810165                      fuer Microcomputer mbH
FRG 7000 Stuttgart 80             voice: +49-711-713045  fax: +49-711-713047

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