tee like program to pipe to another program?

Rudolf Baumann ruba at molbio.ethz.ch
Sat Jun 8 21:39:00 AEST 1991

pete at othello.dartmouth.edu (Pete Schmitt) writes:

>Is there a tee like program that will pipe down to another program?

I am using tpipe from David Rosen which once appeared in comp.sources.unix:

%Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
%Subject: v22i011:  A "tee" that feeds into pipes.
%Message-ID: <2484 at papaya.bbn.com>
%Date: 3 May 90 20:43:46 GMT
%Approved: rsalz at uunet.UU.NET
%Submitted-by: David B Rosen <rosen at bucasb.bu.edu>
%Posting-number: Volume 22, Issue 11
%Archive-name: tpipe
%tpipe is a simple utility program that can be used to split a unix
%pipeline into two pipelines. That is, the output of one pipeline can
%be replicated and supplied as the input to two other pipelines
%executing simultaneously.
%For example
%    cmd1 <infile | tpipe "cmd2 | cmd3 >outfile" | cmd4
%will look like this diagramatically:
%                         --> cmd2 --> cmd3 --> outfile
%                       /
%    infile  --> cmd1 -<
%                       \\
%                         --> cmd4 -->  (standard output)

That is probably what you are looking for.
Rudolf E. Baumann                                    ruba at molbio.ethz.ch
Institut fuer Molekularbiologie & Biophysik          MOLEKULA at CZHETH5A.bitnet
ETH Hoenggerberg (HPM G6)                            Tel. ++41 1 377 33 97
CH-8093 Zuerich/Switzerland                          Fax  ++41 1 371 48 73

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