awk script problems <sigh>

Shawn Koppenhoefer shawn at
Wed Mar 20 23:14:48 AEST 1991

I am trying to set something up such that if my xdm process dies
the xdm-pid file is removed in the /tmp directory.
So far I've got: ps -aux | grep xdm | grep -v grep | egrep "0 (xdm)"
which gives me the line:

root       122  0.0  0.0   88    0 ?  IW   12:43   0:00 xdm

if the xdm process exists. Now, I figured that if I passed this into
the following awk script the /tmp/xdm-pid file would be erased. but
instead I get an error... what's wrong?!
-----------------my executable file looks like the following

awk '
$11 == "xdm" { touch thisfile }

I use "touch thisfile" to see if the file "thisfile" is created, but
it never is! (later I'll replace "touch thisfile" with "rm


| shawn at     -.-  KLEIN BOTTLE FOR SALE ...            \#######
| Shawn Edwin Koppenhoefer \_/                    ... enquire within  \######
| Sun System-Manager, EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)  \#####
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