Is there a e-mail lover in Mexico City ?

Tillmann A. Basien basien at
Wed Mar 27 05:57:42 AEST 1991

I am posting this article for robo at HP-Boeblingen:
Hy you,
	Are you in Mexico ?

	I am searching for an e-mail contact in Mexcio City.

Roland Boss
All reply to basien at I will forward it to robo.

Thanks in advance.

Tillmann, Germany, Stuttgart

					             basien at
Dipl.-Ing. Tillmann A. Basien           PEM Programmentwicklungsgesellschaft
Vaihinger Str.49, PostBox 810165                      fuer Microcomputer mbH
FRG 7000 Stuttgart 80             voice: +49-711-713045  fax: +49-711-713047

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