Basic Intro to UNIX

Terence P. Ma tpm-sprl!tpm at
Thu Mar 28 08:16:42 AEST 1991

Folks ...

Is there a basic, simple, introductory book on UNIX (preferably dealing with
the SunOS variant) that is cheap and I can just stock up copies on and
distribute.  I am in an environment where I have several medical students
and graduate students a year rotating through my lab.  Most do not have UNIX
or much computer background, but need to be able to get around in my system
and utilize the home-grown analysis software that I have.  They are usually
running off a dumb terminal or off a modem line with VT100 emulation.  I
have Sun SPARC running SunOS 4.1.1.  I appreciate the lists that I've seen,
but they don't tell me what would be good for my group of non-computer users
(many think that the Mac and MacOS are a really sophisticated).  I have
written a very basic intro, but I don't have time (nor expertise) to write a
detailed document.

Thanks in advance!

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Terence P. Ma, Ph.D.				
Department of Anatomy				If it were easy, some one
University of Mississippi Medical Center	would have done it already.
2500 North State Street					-- anonymous
Jackson, MS 39216				
VOICE:	601-984-1654			UUCP:	tpm-sprl!tpm at
***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

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