How to set up kermit instead of telnet???

Barry Margolin barmar at
Tue Mar 12 20:47:50 AEST 1991

In article <39033 at> duong at (ROBOCOP) writes:
>Sorry about my ambiguity question, I meant that I would like to use kermit as
>a local to connect to a network e.g (which is SunOS 4.1).
>The "telnet" does the job but it doesn't change the local terminal emulator to
>tek4010. Yes, I know that I can change envirorment term to tek4010 in the sun
>by setting ther "term tek" (I received most of the answer for this method)..
>But NO, some how FLUENT doesn't work this way. We have to change the local
>terminal emulator before we display the graphics (I have know ideas why is
>this happen though, my system adm said it doesn't matter at all if we change
>the term type to tek when we are running on the Sun). I did try to read the
>kermit 3.02 manual for setting up the connection and it seem useless...So
>here again, what do i have to do to set up kermit instead of using telnet..
>Assuming that "telnet" is a client to connect to your network and your network
>is the same as mine..Thank you for your responses..

You still haven't told us what kind of system the *local* machine is.  That
is where your problem is, not on the remote Sun.

If the local machine is capable of running an X server, then you could use
xterm, which includes a Tektronix 4010 emulation mode.

Since Kermit's primary purpose is to provide file transfer over serial
lines, it generally doesn't support making other kinds of connections, such
as connecting over a TCP/IP network.

Barry Margolin, Thinking Machines Corp.

barmar at

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