vi & non-ascii characters

Martin vdBoogaard boogaard at
Sat Mar 2 01:08:31 AEST 1991

When I read a file containing a few accented characters into
vi's buffer, the editor complains about non-ascii characters
(reasonable) and converts them into ascii characters (less reasonable).
I guess this has something to do with 7-bit character processing.

Is there a workaround for this?

Martin J. van den Boogaard         | Dept. of Atomic & Interface Physics
                                   | Debye Institute--Utrecht University
boogaard at                | P.O. Box 80.000, NL-3508 TA Utrecht
boogaard at hutruu51.bitnet           | the Netherlands, +31 30 532904
"I feel that if a person can't communicate,
                  the very least he can do is to shut up." -- Tom Lehrer

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