Communication between Unix processes running on different machines

Manfred J. Pfluegl pfluegl at
Tue Mar 19 19:42:59 AEST 1991

~s Communication between Unix processes running on different machines

I am just starting to think about the implementation of a distributed
algorithm on a set of Sun stations. Since I have never coded anything
like that I was hoping for a few hints or other helpful input.

I was skipping through the man-pages and it seems that creating
a socket (2), and sending to or receiving from the socket
with send(2), sendto(2), and recv(2) would be one possibility.

My main interest is in very efficient communication (i.e. minumum message
delay). All messages will be short (about 20 bytes). 

The following questions come to my mind:

     Are sockets the best approach?
     If not, what should I use instead?

     Has anyone written a simple test/application program
     including communication between different machines that I
     could look at?

Any help is appreciated,

                Manfred Pfluegl - believer of "Per Aspera Ad Astra"    
  *****  *****  pfluegl at              (Internet)                 
 * **** * ****  pfluegl at uci.bitnet           (Bitnet)
*  *****  **** at RELAY.CS.NET (Internet from Europe)     

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