Wanting to convert awk to perl
-=Runaway Daemon=-
frechett at spot.Colorado.EDU
Sun May 19 16:46:19 AEST 1991
Some time ago I wrote a handy little script in csh that used an awk script
as well to replace the "biff" that we have on our machines.. The built in
biff is horrible as it blurts out about 4 lines and totally messes up
my screen.. At 2400 baud, I simply don't want to waste the time redrawing
the screen if I don't have to..
So I wrote a script that is in my .forward. It grabs username from the
From: line of incoming mail then prints out
MAIL from username wherever the cursor currently is, and then the cursor
promptly returns to the M in MAIL. This of course means that it doesn't
mess up my screen at all. Just recently I mangaged to get the csh script
and the awk scripts all into one csh script. I like it in general, but
I feel that it could be done faster in perl. I can get the various
awk routines into perl easily enough but I get stuck trying to emulate
other stuff.. I will include my script here and put current comments in
double ##.
# informe Written by Ian Frechette frechett at spot.coloraod.edu
# set username to the name of the person who this is to output to...
set username = frechett
# find Username's ttys
set ttys = (`find /dev -user $username -print`)
## Figuring out how to do find in perl is puzzling me... and I can't even
## get a system command into a varible that perl can recognize.
# Extract address from incoming message.
## first awk routine.. The problems that I had with awk here, was that there is
## no way to pass a variable out of awk.. Thus the set address = `` nonsense.
## I would like to remedy that.
set address = `awk '/^From:/ { test = 0 ;for(i = 1 ; i <= NF ; ++ i) { if ($i ~ /@/) { if ($i ~ /^</ ) printf ("%s\n", substr($i,2,length($i)-2)); else printf ("%s\n",$i); test = 1 ; exit } } if (test == 0 ) printf ("%s\n", $2); }'`
# Echo $address to $username's ttys and then back up to beginning of message
## Typically, I put in a couple vt100 escape codes to make "MAIL from"
## display in bold, but I took them out to post..
## This is the second awk routine.. the problem here is that I need to
## get perl to output to however many ttys that it found up above.. twice.
echo -n "MAIL from $address" | tee $ttys | \
awk '{{for (i = 1 ; i <= NF ; ++i) {for (j = 1 ; j <= length($i)-2; ++j)\
{printf ""} } } ; for (k = 1 ; k <= NF -1 ; ++ k) {printf ""}}' | \
tee $ttys > /dev/null
# Make sure no errors are returned or mail will bounce.
I would like to know if any perl wizards out there would be interested in
giving me some hints on what to do or demonstrating what needs to be
changed... Any help at all would be appreciated, and comments regarding the
script itself I might find interesting.. Thanks..
-=Runaway Daemon=- (UNIXOps University of Colorado at Boulder)
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