Restarting a process from a core file

Matteo Gelosa matteo at
Fri May 3 21:06:42 AEST 1991

	Have you ever seen a system call called  ptrace(2) ?  It
	is the system call used by debuggers to communicate with
	a process, you can stop a program to perform trace, read
	and  write  into  text  area,  data  area  and  obviosly
	register  area.  You can obtain an image of these  areas
	from a core  file.  You may  try (I  said  MAY  TRY)  to
	re-loading  these areas into a process reading them from
	a core file, and then  re-start  execution,  but I don't
	assure that it will work at all.
	Anyway,  ptrace(2) is a valid  instrument  to treat this
	kind of stuff.

Matteo Gelosa					Phone  : +39-2-7575242
Universita' Statale di Milano			Fax    : +39-2-76110556
Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Informazione	Telex  : 335199 - MIDSII
Via Moretto da Brescia, 9                       E-Mail : matteo at
I-20133 Milano - Italy - `92 Europe

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