question about tar.Z file

James Cameron jc at
Wed May 22 14:02:13 AEST 1991

>>>>> On 22 May 91 00:58:16 GMT, khwang at (khwang) said:

||> Hello,

||> Does anyone out there how I can teansfer a tar.Z file to ASCII readble
||> file ? I tried uncompress, for example, a.tar.Z then I got an a.tar then
||> what next ? Your reply will be greatly appreciated !

||> KC
||> .

	It is in 'tar' form.  You need to "untar" it to see what it
	contains.  To do this, simply type:

% tar xvf a.tar 

	In the future, it might help when you seem something really
	funky to try this:

% apropos funky.thing  

	If your system is set up with it of course.  *8-)  If not, ask
	your System Administrator to set it up.


					-- James Cameron  (jc at

Signal Processing and Interpretation Lab.  Boston, Mass  (617) 353-2879
"But to risk we must, for the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.  For
the man or woman who risks nothing, has nothing, does nothing, is nothing."
	(Quote from the eulogy for the late Christa McAuliffe.)

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