Moe S. moe at starnet.uucp
Fri May 10 16:46:10 AEST 1991

I appreciate any help on these questions:

1. If I have a large (500+ messages) in a mailbox-format file,
   what is the best way to mail a file to everyone of the 500+? 
   (using elm or any other way).

2. If I have a file containing some names and email addresses such as
	      xyz at jkjk.jkyu.reyui (John J. Doe)
	      Mark L. Lost <apple!mark at eee.dfsjk.jkj>
	      Joe!!! jjj at jhdf.434r.er

  (Such a file can be obtained by doing
	grep "^From:" mailbox_file )

  How can I re-organize the file (using awk, sed, etc...) so that
  the email addresses are the first field in every line in the file? 
  Note that all addresses will contain at least one of the two
  characters: "@" or "!".
  Let's say the file is too big to make manual editing practical.

Thanks again.


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