Logging a User Off

Keith Gabryelski ag at cbmvax.commodore.com
Thu Oct 11 04:34:57 AEST 1990

In article <1990Sep11.173008.274 at mccc.uucp> pjh at mccc.uucp (Pete Holsberg) writes:
>For reasons that are beyond the scope of this question, all new logins
>on one of my systems (3B2.400 SVR3.1) get no initial password.  I've
>written a little script that I put into /etc/profile.  It examines the
>password field of /etc/passwd for the user logging in and runs the
>passwd program if the password field is empty.  
>However, I would like to be able to terminate the login process if that
>user fails to select a password.  I though I would examine the return
>code of the passwd command and then exit if it's not 0.  BUT, simply
>executing "exit" doesn't abort the login; it aborts /etc/profile!  What
>can I execute to terminate the login of a user who fails to select a
>valid password?

Remember that a user may hit the interupt key before your script
starts, thus aborting /etc/profile and your password scheme.  Even
placing a `trap' at the start of /etc/profile will not help this
(since on a user could hit the interupt character before the trap was

Pax, Keith ``Just catching up on 3 weeks of unread news'' Gabryelski

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