sh weirdness

James Brister brister at
Sun Sep 2 03:21:08 AEST 1990

On 31 Aug 90 23:22:37 GMT,
rfinch at (Ralph Finch) said:

> After rebooting a Sun 4/260, SunOS 4.1, I find that sometimes 'if'
> statements are mysteriously mishandled in the Bourne shell.  Doing sh
> -x on the scripts reveals that some if's are evaluated and then the
> script dies without completing.

Sounds like a "set -e" has been done somewhere. This causes the shell to
quit if any command (including a test) fails (returns non-zero).

James Brister                                           brister at
DEC Western Software Lab., Palo Alto, California.         .....!decwrl!brister

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