Positional parameters for sh ala csh

Frank P. Bresz fpb at ittc.wec.com
Fri Sep 28 12:22:57 AEST 1990

	I am looking for a way to support the $var[3] syntax of the csh in
sh.  I have read the manual (SunOS) and I just can't seem to find it.  Any
help is appreciated.  Please don't FLAME I'm only a fledgling sh hacker.
| ()  ()  () | Frank P. Bresz   | Westinghouse Electric Corporation
|  \  /\  /  | fpb at ittc.wec.com | ITTC Simulators Department
|   \/  \/   | uunet!ittc!fpb   | Those who can, do. Those who can't, simulate.
| ---------- | (412)733-6749    | My opinions are mine, WEC don't want 'em.

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