set filec in the KSH?

Stefan Linnemann crissl at
Tue Apr 16 02:14:44 AEST 1991

>From the manual page ksh(1):

--- start of man page selections ---

[ ... ]

     Emacs Editing Mode

[ ... ]

     The notation for escape sequences is M- followed by a char-
     acter.  For example, M-f (pronounced Meta f) is entered by
     depressing ESC (ascii 033) followed by `f'.  (M-F would be
     the notation for ESC followed by `SHIFT' (capital) `F'.)

[ ... ]

     M-*       Attempt file name generation on the current word.
               An asterisk is appended if the word doesn't match
               any file or contain any special pattern charac-
     M-ESC     File name completion.  Replaces the current word
               with the longest common prefix of all filenames
               matching the current word with an asterisk
               appended.  If the match is unique, a / is appended
               if the file is a directory and a space is appended
               if the file is not a directory.
     M-=       List files matching current word pattern if an
               asterisk were appended.

[ ... ]

     Vi Editing Mode

[ ... ]

          Text Modification Edit Commands
          These commands will modify the line.

[ ... ]

          *         Causes an * to be appended to the current
                    word and file name generation attempted.  If
                    no match is found, it rings the bell.  Other-
                    wise, the word is replaced by the matching
                    pattern and input mode is entered.
          \         Filename completion.  Replaces the current
                    word with the longest common prefix of all
                    filenames matching the current word with an
                    asterisk appended.  If the match is unique, a
                    / is appended if the file is a directory and
                    a space is appended if the file is not a

[ ... ]

          Other Edit Commands
          Miscellaneous commands.

[ ... ]

          =         List the file names that match the current
                    word if an asterisk were appended it.

--- end of man page selections ---

All the vi inputline editing commands mentioned work only in command
mode, of course.

Another case of RTFM, so I guess you don't have them, poor sod. ;-)

Good luck!
Greetings from below sealevel,

Stefan M. Linnemann, System programmer; Leiden University, the Netherlands.
crissl at

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