I/O Redirection question

David S. Browning browning at nas.nasa.gov
Tue Apr 16 07:24:00 AEST 1991

In article <1991Apr11.144844.28800 at riacs.edu> dwsmith at loki.arc.NASA.GOV (David Smith) writes:

   I have a question regarding I/O redirection.  I have a program in which
   writes to stdout and stderr.  I have redirected both of these to a file.

   Now comes the problem.  I need to capture stdout in a file along with
   stderr, but I also need stdout to go to the terminal for prompting of
   input.  Is this possible?  If so, how does one do this?

I have a related question.  Is it possible, in csh, to redirect stdout
and stderr to different files?  Or to redirect stderr and not stdout?
I know how to do it in sh/ksh, but not in csh.


| Internet:  browning at nas.nasa.gov                  Phone:  (415) 604-4321   |
| UUCP:  {hplabs, mailrus, ucbvax, etc.}!ames!amelia!browning                |
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