csh pleasures -- extensive bug list available

Matt Day mday at iconsys.icon.com
Tue Feb 12 07:28:52 AEST 1991

In article <1991Feb11.090056.14756 at watcgl.waterloo.edu> idallen at watcgl.waterloo.edu (Ian! D. Allen [CGL]) writes:
>A compressed list of C Shell bugs (including the famous "if(" bug) is
>available by anonymous FTP from this site as CSHbugs.Z.  I made this list
>for 4.2BSD csh years ago; most of the bugs still apply to 4.3BSD csh and
>all the other C Shells out there.  Not a pretty sight.

For the record, most of them have been fixed in the latest version of
the tcsh.
- Matt Day, Sanyo/Icon R&D, mday at iconsys.icon.com || uunet!iconsys!mday

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