One line If-then-else block in csh possible?

Tom Christiansen tchrist at convex.COM
Sun Feb 17 01:21:34 AEST 1991

>From the keyboard of harichan at eecae.uucp (Ronald Harichandran):
:Is it possible to have an if-then-else-endif block on a single line?
:I wish to do something like
:if () then
:  command
:  command
:but wish to have it in a single line like
:if () then, command, else, command, endif

You can often  work something out using /bin/test and the short-circuit

    [ some test ] && success || failure

Evals might be coerced into helping -- haven't thought about that too much.

In general, your happiness with csh will be inversely proportional to how
much you try to do with it.

Tom Christiansen		tchrist at	convex!tchrist
 "All things are possible, but not all expedient."  (in life, UNIX, and perl)

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