adjusting string var to fixed length (in ksh)
Mark Lanzo
lanzo at wgate.UUCP
Thu Jun 13 06:54:21 AEST 1991
"Mark" == Mark Lanzo <lanzo at atesysv.UUCP> [that's me]
"Dan" == Dan_Jacobson at ihlpz.ATT.COM
>From prior posts:
Mark> If you are using "ksh" [...]
Mark> myname=Mark
Mark> typeset -L10 myname
Dan> In my prompt I wanted to put $? (last command exit status) in a fixed
Dan> width... (PS1='$? '...) but I can't typeset -L3 ? or \?...
Hmm. As far as I know, you're out of luck with this.
You're right, "typeset" doesn't work on special parameters like "$?";
it just complains that "?" isn't a valid identifier.
Even if "typeset" _did_ work on $?, I think you'd still be out of luck.
Ksh evaluates PS1 and performs *parameter substitution* on the string,
but it does not perform *command substitution* on it. (Drats!)
In other words, you can't use the `command` or $(command) forms within
PS1 in any meaningful fashion.
For example, to display the current directory in the prompt:
PS1='$PWD> ' # Works
PS1='`pwd`> ' # Does not work
PS1='$(pwd)> ' # Does not work
I even tried screwier things, to see if any sort of recursive evaluation
mechanisms could be faked out, such as
... to no avail.
If anyone else has a solution, I'd like to hear about it ...
-- Mark --
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