Can you recommend a good OS book?
Matt Curland
curlandm at prism.CS.ORST.EDU
Fri Jun 21 14:51:46 AEST 1991
The class I'm taking uses Tanenbaum's _Operating Systems Design
and Implementation_. I had a class which used another book by
Tanenbaum, _Structured Computer Organization_, which I found very
hard to follow. I can't explain it exactly but it seems like I
had to read every paragraph over and over before it made sense.
I'm immediately running into the same problem with this OS book.
(If you're out there Mr. Tanenbaum, no offense intended...)
OK, maybe it's just me, but if anyone out there knows of a real
good, clear book on OS's, particularly Unix or the like, I'd
really appreciate hearing about it.
Thanks very much,
Matt Curland.. . . . . . . curlandm at
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