File remove command?
Douglas W O'neal
doug at jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU
Mon Jun 17 22:22:05 AEST 1991
In article <3431 at> davidsen at (bill davidsen) writes:
->Has anyone written a remove command which will unlink all links to a
->file inode when the command is issued on any one name? Yes I know it's
->dangerous, but there are times when I want certain data unconditionally
->off my system.
-> $ mkdir foo
-> $ cd foo
-> $ date ->x1
-> $ ln x1 x2
-> $ remove x1 # this is the one
-> $ ls
-> $
->bill davidsen (davidsen at crdos1.crd.GE.COM -or- uunet!crdgw1!crdos1!davidsen)
-> "Most of the VAX instructions are in microcode,
-> but halt and no-op are in hardware for efficiency"
How about
find / -inum `ls -i foo | awk '{print $1}' -` -exec rm -f {} \; -print
Doug O'Neal, Distributed Systems Programmer, Johns Hopkins University
doug at jhuvms.bitnet, doug at, mimsy!aplcen!jhunix!doug
Like many of the features of UNIX, UUCP appears theoretically
unworkable... - DEC Professional, April 1990
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