tcsh 5.20.02 bug with sun3-OS4.1.1 make ?

George A. Planansky gplan at
Thu Jun 13 05:39:07 AEST 1991

An error ("unreadable") occurs using command line arguments to make 
with tcsh, but not with csh, as listed below.  Anyone know what is wrong?

Sun3/60 SunOS 4.1.1 make 
tcsh 5.20.02 (Cornell) 12/07/90 options 8b,nls,el,dl,al,dir

In tcshell:

  cirrus[235]#make -n LIBDIR=$gnu/lib/emacs

  LIBDIR=/usr/local/gnu/ unreadable

  LIBDIR=/usr/local/gnu/lib/ unreadable
  /bin/sed 's;/usr/local/emacs;/usr/local/gnu/lib/emacs;g' < src/paths.h-dist > src/paths.h
  cd etc; make  all
  cd src; make  all

In cshell:

  cirrus(201)#make -n LIBDIR=$gnu/lib/emacs
  /bin/sed 's;/usr/local/emacs;/usr/local/gnu/lib/emacs;g' < src/paths.h-dist > src/paths.h
  cd etc; make  all
  cd src; make  all

George Planansky                       
Atmospheric & Environmental Research        
Cambridge, MA 02139
gplanansky at   (617) 547-6207

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