Help bourne shell problem on sun and bsd
Christopher J. Hawley
chawley at
Fri Jun 7 10:44:35 AEST 1991
In article <3089 at cod.NOSC.MIL>, medin at (Ted Medin) writes:
|> When using the bourne shell:
|> pwd > temp
|> read dir < temp
|> Just hangs until you type something on the keyboard when using bsd 4.3.
|> However on a sun machine it works fine, the variable dir gets the current
|> working directory.
|> Is "read" keyboard input only or ?????
From The UNIX Programming Environment, Kernighan & Pike, pp. 159-160:
" read can only read from the standard input; it can't even
be redirected. None of the shell built-in commands (as opposed
to the control flow primitives like for ) can be redirected
with > or < :
[example omitted]
"This might be described as a bug in the shell, but it is a
fact of life. Fortunately, it can usually be circumvented by
redirecting the loop surrounding the read . This is the key
to our implementation of the pick command: "
[example of shell command pick omitted]
So, in any environment (with the dubious exception of Sun's), you can say
for foo in dummy
read dir
done < temp
with the desired results. Any of the control flow primitives can be used
to achieve the same effect...
while : ; do read dir; break; done < temp
is another way to get what you want.
For the curious: what version of Sun software are you running which has
the sh behaviour you describe?
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/* SGI delivers mail, but I write the opinions contained herein. */
Christopher J. Hawley / esper chawley at
Silicon Graphics, Inc. 1L-945 phone: 415 / 335-1621
Mountain View, CA 94039-7311 USA 408 / 243-1042
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