Shell wildcard expansion

Adam Stauffer ars at
Tue Jun 25 10:21:19 AEST 1991

In article <1991Jun24.195425.26387 at> 
	tchrist at convex.COM (Tom Christiansen) writes:

   From the keyboard of ars at (Adam Stauffer):
   :}I'm looking for a wildcard expansion mechanism, where for example I could
   :}do mv *.c *.o.
   :}E.g. an expansion where I only get the * part. 
   :There is a really nifty program called "mmv" that allows for all sorts
   :of fun expansions to occur.  It is available at in vol 21
   :of the comp.sources.unix archive...

   Maybe you didn't look much at rename script that was posted.  It 
   allows things like:

Maybe you have never seen mmv so you don't know what it does.
Trust me, I wouldn't have posted if it didn't have more functionality
than a 30 line Perl script. 


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