TCSH exit crashing Sparc

Kartik Subbarao subbarao at phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Fri May 24 23:58:16 AEST 1991

In article <1991May24.025110.8586 at> pauln at (Paul Ninnis) writes:
>We're having the occasional problem using tcsh on a sparc station 1 under
>SunOS 4.1
>It appears to create a data fault causing a panic condition leading to
>rebooting when a terminal user logs out (only occasionally)
>(possibly by the use of exit rather than ^D)
>This info was recorded in the system messages file along with its PID no
>This is the version and the compiler set options obtained by a 'set'
>  version tcsh 5.20.02 (Cornell) 12/07/90 options 8b,nls,el,dl,al,dir

Yeah. We had the *exact* same problem. No, getting a new version of tcsh is
not going to fix it (and wouldn't be the way to do it anyway, since many
programs can tweak the same bug. You should get a patch from Sun. That is
the best way to deal with things. Of course, knowing Sun, you might have to
wait a bit............


internet% ypwhich

subbarao at phoenix.Princeton.EDU -| Internet
kartik at silvertone.Princeton.EDU (NeXT mail)  
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