Overhead of raw-mode shells (Bash, Zsh, Ksh etc)

Randy S. Welch rwelch at isis.cs.du.edu
Tue May 7 14:30:05 AEST 1991

In article <1991May6.053630.569 at cs.uow.edu.au> steve at cs.uow.edu.au (Stephen Cliffe) writes:

   Does anyone have any feeling for the overhead placed on a machine
   by running the more modern shells that support command line editing. 

   We would like to make either bash or zsh available to our students
   and are a little concerned by the possible extra system overhead this
   could impose due to the use of raw-mode and therfore conext switches

The biggest problem with bash is it's size, its alot bigger than sh :-)
There are 3 of us at work who use bash and another using a real old ksh,
with no undue effects on our old '020 box.

Randy Welch   Mail to :  ...!ncar!scicom!bldr!randy or rwelch at du.edu
Boulder, CO              rwelch at nyx.cs.du.edu or (303) 442-6717
"Unfortunately, life contains an unavoidable element of unpredictability"
-David Lynch "The Angriest Dog in the World"

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