Does Microport offer Updates to its users?
wolf paul
wnp at iiasa.AT
Fri Aug 31 19:21:21 AEST 1990
In article <2950 at anasaz.UUCP> chad at anasaz.UUCP (Chad R. Larson) writes:
}In article <152 at grumbly.UUCP> root at grumbly.UUCP (rb duc) writes:
}| Microport is shipping v4.0 *right now* and has been for *over a month*.
}| I wouldn't count out a v3.2 either.
}I talked to them yesterday. They ("Brian") said there would be an
}upgrade to SysVr3.2 for the 286 in the future, as the overseas market
}(which is a big one for their 286 port) wants that more than SysVr4.
}They have been shipping Release 4.0 for the 386 and 486 for about a
}month (non-beta versions) and have shipped over 200 copies. They are
}also shipping SysVr3 for the 386.
It would be REALLY USEFUL if someone OFFICIAL from MICROPORT could
comment on all this, posting from "uport" so we know it's from the
horse's mouth.
We've had randy at rls say there will be no 386/3.2, chad at anasaz quoting
Brian at Microport as saying there will be a 286/3.2, etc.
If Microport does not want to produce a 386/3.2 product, and if
AT&T will not allow a discounted upgrade path from V.3 to V.4,
they could at least make a bulk purchase of AT&T, Intel or ESIX 3.2
and offer that at a nominal price as an update to their old 3.0e customers.
If they are not going to offer any kind of update/upgrade path for
owners of their 386/3.0e product, then I personally think that we
should all forget about doing business with them. With the
exception of a few employees like John Plocher and John Sully, the
"old" Microport has never done very much to develop or even retain
customer loyalty, and it sounds like the "new" Microport is no better.
Wolf N. Paul, IIASA, A - 2361 Laxenburg, Austria, Europe
PHONE: +43-2236-71521-465 FAX: +43-2236-71313 UUCP: uunet!!wnp
INTERNET: at BITNET: tuvie!iiasa!wnp at awiuni01.BITNET
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