V/AT init - getty war

Ken Cornetet kenc at ezelmo.UUCP
Tue Jan 22 11:23:10 AEST 1991

My V/AT system has developed a strange problem.  Every once in a while,
init (or at least I assume it is init) gets into a mode of sending
signal 15 (SIGTERM) to getty.  Getty then dies, gets respawned and about
10 seconds later, init sends another SIGTERM.  This process continues
until reboot (which may or may not stop it).  I am assuming this is
some sort of a race condition because it did not show up until moving
from a 286 motherboard to a 386 board (I take that back, it did happen
once, but a reboot cleared it up).

Does anyone know of an explanation, fix, or any info at all ?  I am

I have considered getting a pd version of getty and adding code to
ignore SIGTERM, but I highly suspect that init would send a SIGKILL
after the SIGTERM did not do anything.  

BTW my V/AT is 2.4.0-L if that helps
Ken Cornetet       (812) 634-2824   |   ken at coplex.uucp    -or-
Rt. 5  Box 184A, Jasper, IN 47546   |   ...!uunet!coplex!ezelmo!kenc

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