FrameMaker for ODT (Was: Re: Update to ODT 1.0?)

Chip Rosenthal chip at chinacat.Unicom.COM
Thu Dec 13 13:08:36 AEST 1990

In article <10621 at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu>
	bt455s39 at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Carmen Hardina) writes:
>He said that although it has been advertised by Frame and
>SCO, the product was just coming out of beta test and should be released
>anytime soon.

I am cross-posting to comp.text in case any Frame folks are lurking.
Maybe they can set the record straight.

It's unfortunate that the sales people are running around telling everybody
different stories.  I wish they would at least get their heads together
and come up with a consistent excuse.  Or here is a novel one - maybe
they can tell us the truth.

To date, here are the stories I've heard about Framemaker running on ODT:

    (1)  Frame is sitting on it until the new ODT it released rather than
         work around bugs in 1.0.

    (2)  Frame does not have their support in place, and are only selling
         it to corporate accounts.

    (3)  Frame still has it in testing, and hasn't released it yet.

I won't tell you which of the three was the excuse they gave to me :-)

The California folks seemed quite helpful and interested.  They referred
me to the Dallas folks, whereupon |The Excuse| was dropped upon me.
Vaporware I can live with.  It's often the norm in this business, and
we've all learned how to work with that.  Excuses I can't.  They force
me to turn around and make excuses to my clients - and that's just not
the way I prefer to do business.

Chip Rosenthal  512-482-8260  |  We was raising insurance premiums, ma.
Unicom Systems Development    |  We was spreading fear of arson.
<chip at chinacat.Unicom.COM>    |   - Michelle Shocked

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