SCO doesn't sell UNIX

Gordon C. Galligher gorpong at ping.uucp
Mon Dec 3 15:44:37 AEST 1990

In article <1990Dec01.061344.6240 at kithrup.COM> sef at kithrup.COM (Sean Eric Fagan) writes:
[..Administrating SCO unix...]
>is relatively easy.  I think I run into a uucp problem every once in a
>while (but I'm fairly certain that that is a hardware problem [flaky modem],
>not a software one), but that's about it.  Kithrup has crashed twice, once
>because of misinstalling a tape drive (oops 8-(), and once for a still
>unknown reason.

You have obviously not used Shell Layers.  If you use shell layers and create
a sub-shell and then execute 'stty intr \^c' it kills the shell.  If you
forget that '^' is a synonym for ';' in SH, and you execute 'stty intr ^c'
it REBOOTS THE MACHINE!  I sent mail to the SCO mailing list, and although
SCO representatives have been vocal before, they were remarkably silent
about it.  (PS:  I used shell layers quite extensively on Interactive's
and was "a tad miffed" when SCO rebooted my machine (with NO errors, I might
add).  I would much rather use real job control, but ....)

I am now waiting for SVR4 from Intel to show up RSN.  (I have to admit,
when SCO UNIX first came out, I ditched Interactive's for SCO (because
some of the things looked nice) but the honeymoon did not last very long
and I am hoping that SVR4 will not let me down.)

		-- Gordon.

Gordon C. Galligher	9127 Potter Rd. #2E	Des Plaines, IL    60016-4881

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