Interactive X window

Robert Terry terry at tcville.HAC.COM
Fri Dec 14 13:10:56 AEST 1990

I've lost some files containing email messages due to system crash a month

Been waiting two months for the Interactive Systems to send several software 
upgrades such as OS and X window. I got tired of waiting for the newer
version of X window to arrive. The older version of X window was unistalled
from the system before I took over the job. 

I decided to use the older version of X window while waiting for the newer
version to come in my office. 

Never used X window before. Installed X window version 1.0. Rebuilt the
kernel. Rebooted the system and it came up just fine.  Added myself to
the X window list to be enabled to use x window system. Typed "xinit"
to see if it worked. Nope. I got the following message:

"Unable to open X Streams Device: No such file or directory

Fatal server error: X device open failed."

I remembered reading previous messages posted here that ptx and pty were
required to get X window up and running. The following two files, ptx and
pty were obtained from /etc/conf/sdevice.d directory:

ptx	Y	16	0	0...
pty	Y	16	0 	0...

I'm not quite sure what else I was supposed to look for to track this problem.

Could someone take their time to reply this help message? Your help will be
greatly appreciated.

System Info:

Computer: AST 486/25
OS: Interactive 2.0.2
X Window version 1.0   
(Runtime System - System Diskette release 1.0.6)

Hughes Aircraft Company           (try this 1st) email: terry at
Information System                               email: terry at 
PO Box 902, E50/A224                             fax: 213-616-0962
El Segundo, CA 90245   			"Who wants my opinions anyway?"

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