tape unit for ISC 2.2 and Adaptec AH1542 ( so far )

Bill Heiser bill at unixland.uucp
Sat Dec 1 10:14:23 AEST 1990

I'm using an Archive 2150S also on a 386/25 running Esix (SYSVR3).
It seems to be working out fine so far ...

home:	...!{uunet,bloom-beacon,esegue}!world!unixland!bill
	bill at unixland.uucp,  bill%unixland.uucp at world.std.com
	Public Access Unix - Esix SYSVR3 - 12/24/96-PEP/V32 (508) 655-3848
other:	heiser at world.std.com

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