Any Known Problems with Orchid ProDesigner VGA?

Larry P. Ray ray at intvax.UUCP
Tue Dec 11 10:07:41 AEST 1990

I am having some difficulty using an Orchid ProDesigner w/ 512K
memory, and am wondering if there are any well-known bugs or
peculiarities to this card. When I replace the Paradise VGA
in a working UNIX 386 system with the Orchid, the system becomes
crash-prone. First, access to the Archive tape drive crashes
the system. There is no warning; the system suddenly begins
executing the boot-up sequence. After successfully completing
the memory test, the system "hangs" until a hardware reset.
The published I/O port addresses for the VGA and tape cards
do not overlap.

Second, when Thomas Roell's recent VGA X11R4 driver is run,
the system crashes as above, on exit. The ProDesigner is based
on the Tseng Labs ET3000 chip set; this is one of the chip
sets the Roell server can be set up for (yes, the configuration
files are correct).

Finally, another user reports an inexplicable conflict between
the ProDesigner and a particular DOS setup (sorry, no details) -
the effect was that color setups were modified by unrelated software.
In this case, switching to the ProDesigner II fixed the problem.

Has anyone else seen or solved similar problems?

Larry Ray	ray at
Sandia National Labs, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Larry Ray	lpray at
Sandia National Labs, Albuquerque, New Mexico

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