What's the difference between a 1542A and a 1542B?

Evan R Aussenberg erast1 at unix.cis.pitt.edu
Tue Dec 25 16:07:28 AEST 1990

In article <1768 at chinacat.Unicom.COM> chip at chinacat.Unicom.COM (Chip Rosenthal) writes:
|In article <354 at metran.UUCP> jay at metran.UUCP (Jay Ts) writes:
|>A nice product, if you ignore the almost nonexistent tech support by phone;
|>the recorded message I got said, effectively, "leave us alone and go talk to
|>your reseller".
|And if you are the reseller, Adaptec tells you to talk to the distributor...
|However, I can't see paying a premium to get [poor support...]

Interesting.... I bought my 1542B in september.  Didn't have any problems
with it, but I did have a couple of questions on its sync. abilities.  I
got the same recording as above, but somehow I also either got through or
found another number.  I just told them my distrib. wasn't available
and I had questions.   My card pamphlet mentions a bbs (I've never tried it)
at (408)945-7727 1200/2400 baud.

|Chip Rosenthal  512-482-8260  |  We was raising insurance premiums, ma.
|Unicom Systems Development    |  We was spreading fear of arson.
|<chip at chinacat.Unicom.COM>    |   - Michelle Shocked

Evan Ron Aussenberg
erast1 at unix.cis.pitt.edu
IN%"erast1 at pittunix"

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