SCO's C2 came to the rescue!!!

Dave Edmondson dme at
Wed Dec 19 21:07:24 AEST 1990

This is quoted from the December 1990 issue of UnixWorld, and is
reproduced without permission (see page 16):

The Santa Cruz Operation says it will make things a little easier for
users who've had trouble with the new security features in SCO UNIX
3.2 Version 2.0.  The company added the security features to qualify
for the Defense Department's C2 security classification.  At first SCO
claimed the security features don't affect users at all and shouldn't
give system administrators much grief, either.  But some system
administrators complain about the increased complexity of adding new
users with the security turned on, and the apparent lack of a way to
turn the security features off.
	SCO says that the nex versions of its UNIX will address all
thos problems.  According to SCO UNIX Product Manager Charley Watkins,
the ``security administration'' menu system will be combined with the
system administration menus to make adding users a one-step process,
and setting security to a minimum will also require one step.  Watkins
also says SCO is working on a command-line interface for system
administration for system administrators who don't line useing SCO's
menu system."

All of the typos are mine.  Sorry if you see this as advertising - I
thought that it might be informative.

Dave Edmondson, Systems Support.                     Opinions are all my own.
Department of Computing, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine,
180 Queen's Gate, London SW7 1BZ. phone: 071-589-5111 x5085 fax: 071-581-8024
         email: dme at, ..!ukc!icdoc!dme, dme at
  ``Be selective, be objective, be an asset to the collective'' -- Jazzy B

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