What's the difference between a 1542A and a 1542B?

Kevin W. Rudd kevinr at sequent.UUCP
Fri Dec 21 07:56:00 AEST 1990

	I don't think that my original posting ever made it out, so I am
trying again.

	Can anyone tell me what the difference is between Adaptec's 1542A and
1542B SCSI controllers is?  I am planning on using one of them in an ACMA
386/20 system with a Maxtor SCSI drive.  I have heard of problems with the bus
mastering on these boards.  Does this apply for both the A and B?  Is there a
way of telling whether the system will have trouble with the board before
forking out the money for one?  Any advanced advice would be helpful.


Kevin W. Rudd
Sequent Computer Systems
kevinr at sequent.com or ...uunet!sequent!kevinr

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