Microport SVR4 Offer
Richard Ducoty
duc at mport.COM
Tue Dec 18 08:42:36 AEST 1990
Microport is now offering a 25% discount on any SVR4 purchase to owners
of ANY Unix/Xenix system. You must send Microport your the distribution
disks of your old system as proof of ownership. The offer is good for
any 286 version as well as 386 version.
For more information please call our sales deptartment @ 1.800.FOR.UNIX
or 1.408.438.8649 7am to 5pm PST.
Richard Ducoty \\\\!////
Microport Inc. ``(.)(.)' root at mport.com
voice=> 408 438.8649 > duc at mport.com
fax=> 408 438.7560 - uunet!mport!duc
" militiae species amor est "
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